Abstract— A secret group key generation scheme in physical layout has been proposed in this paper where a mesh topology along with a multi-antenna passive eavesdropper consists the existence of an arbitrary number of multi-antenna LNs. In the scheme’s first phase, the transmission of pilot signals from selected antennas of every node takes place where a channel is linked to each node. By the use of selected coefficient, every node linearly broadcasts an estimated combination of the selected channel information. This is the second phase. The data of the channel which is used for group key generation can be obtained by other LNs where the eavesdropper cannot do it. The generation of group by each node includes the sequential steps of quantization and encoding the estimated channels into keys. Common quantization schemes like scalar and vector quantization are applied and their performance is compared. For further enhancement of key generation performance, the aspects to determine the antennas of each node that we use for group key generation are provided. With the help of several key-related measurements, the simulation results evaluate the efficiency of the proposed group key generation scheme. A test bed is also implemented with the help of universal software radio peripheral in order to determine practical durability of our scheme. The generated key that passes the above test bed and also the national institute of standards and technology test suit is eligible for secrecy of elimination.
C.M.Supriya1, Ms.S.Afrin Banu 2