1. How can I Select Research Topic for the Preparation of Research Paper ?
Please search latest topic on google and it is also available on our site , and find on which topic research is going on and also you can prepare research or review paper on your research study topic..
2. How can I write the paper in the proper format ?
You need to download paper template available on our website. As per the paper template it will be so easy to write a research paper.we are using ieee format for paper publication.
3. How can I submit the Research paper in your journal ?
Dear Author it is so easy to submit paper on our site please go throw website and click submit manuscript and fill all require detail and upload manuscript after successfully submission of manuscript you will get mail from our side .If you find any error in online paper submission then you can mail manuscript to jidps.editor@gmail.com .
4. How much time is require to complete review process ?
After Successfully manuscript submission paper is under go with peer review process by our expert reviewer members committee. and it will take 2 to 3 days for whole process.
5. How can i Know Status of my manuscript weather is accepted or rejected ?
After Successful Review process Author will get Acceptance mail form our editorial board with all detail . Meanwhile you can check paper status on our website in check paper status page.
6. What i have to do if i get mail for Paper Rejection ?
Dear Author , Do not Worry if you get mail that your paper is rejected for paper publication , and along with rejection you will get paper correction suggestion also so you can correct it and re submit paper in our journal for quick Acceptance .
7. How can i submit copyright form after receiving Acceptance mail ?
Dear Author , in acceptance mail you got attachment of copyright form so take a print out of it and fill it properly . after it you need to send scanned copy or image of copyright filled form to jidps.editor@gmail.com with manuscript id. you can download copyright form from our website also.
8. how can i pay publication fees ?
Dear Author it is so easy to pay publication fees for paper publication . you can pay fees direct from our website processing charge page , and we always send publication fees payment link and other payment option so author can follow any one.
9.How much time is require for paper publication online after all procedure completion ?
Dear Author , After completion of copyright form and publication fees payment procedure paper will go under publication process so it will take 1 or 2 day for online publication.
10. How can i know whether my paper is published or not ?
Dear Author you will get confirmation mail from journal when paper is published online in respective issue and also you can check it on website current issue and past issue page.
If you have any question regarding publication of paper in JIDPTS please contact us with detail.
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JIDPTS is an International Journal in the field of Engineering and Pharmacy . High impact factor -4.45.. submit manuscript now.