Academic journal
Journal for Innovative development in Pharmaceutical and Technical Science (JIDPTS) is the open access online peer review academic journal. JIDPTS includes all the Subjects like related Pharmaceutical ,Engineering Field.JIDPTS covers all subjects in the field of Pharmaceutical Science and Technological Science.International publication fees 500
JIDPTS is the international online E Journal with high impact factor. JIDPTS contains original and pure research or review papers with no plagiarism and high quality content.Research or Review Papers is Reviewed by highly qualified Reviewers from all over the world.
JIDPTS is an Academic Journal publishes research or review paper online on monthly Issue basis. Frequency of Journal publication is 12 issues per Year. All the published content is freely available for Industry, Academicians, Doctors, Students, Research Scholars, and Scientists Etc…International publication fees 500
JIDPTS never Compromise with quality of Papers. JIDPTS Review Research or Review papers within our Global Reviewer network within 5 working days after submission of manuscript online. JIDPTS publishes Research or Review Papers at global level with Registered ISSN (International Standard Serial No.), High Impact factor and Low publication fees.