A Review on Emerging & New Viruses on the Indian Horizon

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Sneha Ghule , Ashpak Tamboli , Pratik Paricharak ,DOI:10.5281/zenodo.3928640 , https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3928640

In this Review article to study the emerging & new viruses on Indian horizon. Emerging virus means the new disease, new problem. In this India reported by Emergence/ re-emergence of different viral infection. Every country should be implementing a comprehensive set of measures, calibrated to their capacity and context, to slow down transmission and reduce mortality associated with Viral Infections. The important emerging viral infection are discussed in this review article. In this include Nipah virus, Zika virus, Chikanguniya virus, avian influenza, Plague, Cholera, SARS Corona virus, Japanese Encephalitis, Ebola virus. The incidence of infectious diseases in humans may increase in the near future. Newly emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases are causing great loss of life and suffering worldwide.

Nipah virus, Zika virus, Chikanguniya virus, avian influenza, Plague, Cholera, SARS, Corona virus, Japanese Encephalitis,Ebola virus