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A.Madhu Bindu,V.Sucharitha Reddy, Rampelly Sainihal, Kurra Ushasri, Bandoji Bhavani, Nareddy Varshini

Inflammation is the body’s natural response to any injury, infection or allergies causing irritation. It is considered as a protective process in the body eliminating the foreign particles causing the damage or injury. Generally inflammation is considered to have three types that is acute infalmmation , chronic inflammation, and sub acute inflammation. A short term response is shown in the acute inflammation, whereas a prolongated response that may lasts weeks , months or even in years are seen in the chronic inflammaiton. This review  focuses and explores the biochemically active phytochemical constituents  showing the antiinflammatory activty , and their basic mechanism of actions.  It emphasises or signifies contributions of the role of the medicinal plants like aloe, berberies, cucurma, many more other plants. Even the traditional plants like ficus carica, Daphne mezereum are discussed by their antiinfalmmatory activity, individually considering the plants, their antiinflammatory activity, and the methods to extract the chemical constituents present in the plant that shows antiinflammatory activity are discussed. This review also tells the methadologies for the invivo studies widely on rats and pigs, using the carrageenan drug.


Nano crystals, Nanoparticles, Nanotechnology, Nanotherapeutics, nanoscience