Abstract- Smart grid development tends to be driven by one of two principal visions for enhancing electric power interactions for both utilities and their customers In smart grids, users can influence utilities both indirectly by reacting to pricing signals and other mechanisms and directly by adding distributed generation sources, such as photovoltaic (PV) modules or energy storage at the point of use. This paper presents a discussion of the future of the electric energy system, addressing the entire spectrum from power generation, through substations, to distribution and the customer, and the feedback loops along the way necessary to provide the computational intelligence necessary to make the “Smart Grid”. Both at the federal and state levels, governments have recognized a need for modernizing the electric energy system and establishing such Smart Grids around the world. We are at the point of a historic paradigm shift, with the opportunity to implement new, more intelligent methods for producing, distributing, delivering and using electricity in a much more sustainable manner. We discuss the necessary attributes for such a system-of-systems, review the need for change, and identify the technical challenges facing successful deployment and implementation.
Madhu Ram Deora , Anshul Bhati
Smart Grid, Adaptive Stochastic Control, Distributed Generation and Storage, WSN-Based Smart Grid Applications, Stationary and Mobile Energy Storage Systems